January 08, 2007

What is a catch-22 situation?

(For S3 students or anyone who's interested in it)
Please explain what a "catch-22" situation means and where it comes from.


Anonymous said...

It means dilemma.

Anonymous said...

Catch 22 is the title of a book by Joseph Heller about the experiences of an American pilot. If you don't have a place to stay, you can't get a job and with no job, you can't get an apartment. It's a catch 22 situation.

Anonymous said...

a situation in which a desired outcome or solution is impossible to attain because of illogical rules or conditions..

Anonymous said...

"catch-22 situation"

(1)- 第22條軍規
(2)- 又等於disambiguation
有自相矛盾 荒唐的道理!

This seem to be a catch-22 situation.

Anonymous said...

Catch 22是由Joseph Heller所寫的一



Anonymous said...

Plot introduction:
The novel follows Captain John Yossarian, a U.S. Army Air Forces B-25 bombardier, and a number of other characters during World War II. Most events occur while the airmen of the Fighting 256th (or "two to the fighting eighth power") Squadron are based on the island of Pianosa, west of Italy. Many events in the book are repeatedly described from differing points of view, so the reader learns more about the event from each iteration. The pacing of Catch-22 is frenetic, its tenor intellectual, and its humor largely absurd, but interspersed with grisly moments of realism

Anonymous said...

Literary significance & criticism:

As commented on by Joseph Heller himself in the preface to Catch-22 from 1994 onwards, the novel raised very polarised views on its first publication in the United States.

Reviews in a publications ranged from the very positive; The Nation ("was the best novel to come out in years"), the New York Herald Tribune ("A wild, moving, shocking, hilarious, raging, exhilarating, giant roller-coaster of a book")and the New York Times ("A dazzling performance that will outrage nearly as many readers as it delights") to the highly negative; The New Yorker ("doesn't even seem to be written; instead, it gives the impression of having being shouted onto paper", "what remains is a debris of sour jokes") and from another critic of the New York Times ("is repetitive and monotonous. Or one can say that it is too short because none of its many interesting characters and actions is given enough play to become a controlling interest")

Although the novel won no awards at publication, and some highly respected critics such as Harold Bloom thought that the novel "was destined to fade into irrelevance in a decade or so", it has stood the test of the time and now is seen as one of the most significant novels of the 20th century.

Anonymous said...

Author: Joseph Heller
Cover Artist: Paul Bacon
Country: USA
Language: English
Genre(s): Satire
Historical fiction
Publisher: Simon & Schuster
Released :1961

Among other things, Catch-22 is a general critique of bureaucratic operation and reasoning. Resulting from its specific use in the book, the phrase "Catch-22" is common idiomatic usage meaning "a no-win situation" or "a double bind" of any type.

Anonymous said...

s3 jing 51 Mai
Catch 22, come from American writer Joseph Heller.Concerning an American air force's bomber pilot in the World War II.
Catch 22 also means a self-contradictory or dilemma.

Anonymous said...

catch-22 有兩個意思,一個是無可奈何的矛盾狀態,無法擺脫的困境;另一個則是「第22條規定」是美國一位小說家Josheph Heller在1961年出版的一本小說的書名。Alan Arkin 在 1970年把這本小說拍成電影,而成為家喻戶曉的成語。
「第22條規定」規定如果一位軍人請求解除勤務(active duty),只有在他的心理狀況不適於服勤時才被允許。但這個規定產生了一個矛盾的邏輯,一位軍人如果頭腦清楚瞭解服戰鬥勤務的危險性,而怯於戰鬥的話,就表示他心理健全,必須去服戰鬥勤務。

Anonymous said...

1.Has no alternative contradictory condition
2."22nd stipulation"

Therefore Catch-22 this stipulation, by the quotation is "the self-contradictory stipulation" or is "the absurd truth".

Irene said...

You're all right about "catch-22", yet I hope you can "digest" the reading you found first and paraphrase it. When you're able to explain "catch-22" in your own words, you could really catch what it means. BTW, what Geraldine quoted is quite clear; it's in Chinese though.

Anonymous said...

Catch 22,出自美國作家赫勒(Joseph Heller)1961年發表的小說。主角是二次大戰中美國空軍轟炸機飛行員,在目睹身邊多位戰友死亡後決定退役,為此他必須假裝自己得了精神病。但這違反第二十二條軍規。該條軍規規定﹕精神病者可以退役,但必須由本人提出申請。而懂得提出申請的人一定不會是精神病者。小說被譽為美國最偉大的作品之一。此後美式英語 ' Catch 22 '也成了自相矛盾、進退維谷的代稱。

Irene said...

Ella, try and see if you can explain "catch-22" in English.^_^