April 27, 2007

春風化雨1996(Mr. Holland's Opus)

「春風化雨1996」"Mr. Holland's Opus" ,從中文譯名可知這是一片感人肺腑、饒富教育意義的電影。內容敘述一位音樂家兼作曲家的Glenn Holland為了生活家計而在一所學校教書,自許為音樂家的他也想在工作之餘創作出輝煌的音樂作品,然而接下來的數十年他都是待在這所學校教書,並未如願成為一個偉大的音樂家。不過也因如此,他在學校幫助了無數的學生, 教他們如何欣賞音樂與生活,但諷刺的是他卻無法幫助失聰的兒子…。影片點出親情與工作的取捨、理想與現實的掙扎、學校政策與教師理念不一的衝突等問題,發人省思。沒看過的要去租來看,看過的朋友則一起來回味一下吧!

(Mr. Holland's Opus, 1995)
Glenn Holland: Playing music is supposed to be fun. It's about heart, it's about feelings, moving people, and something beautiful, and it's not about notes on a page. I can teach you notes on a page, I can't teach you that other stuff.

Mr. Glenn Holland: Let me ask you a question. When you look in the mirror, what do you like best about yourself? Gertrude Lang: My hair. Mr. Glenn Holland: Why? Gertrude Lang: Well, my father always says that it reminds him of the sunset. Mr. Glenn Holland: Play the sunset. Close your eyes. One, two, three, four.



以下這句是Mr. Holland的太太(Iris)向他抱怨他鮮少照顧家裡的兒子,卻把心思都花在別人家的小孩身上。我想每個認真的老師應可體會Mr. Holland為何會胳臂往外彎。
Iris Holland: Why is everyone else's child more important than yours?

Principal Jacobs: A teacher has two jobs; fill young minds with knowledge, yes, but more important, give those minds a compass so that that knowledge doesn't go to waste.

以下是一位學生給Mr. Holland的感言,任一個老師只要聽到像這樣的真心話語,不動容也難!裡頭的比喻都和音樂用語有關,令人咀嚼再三,回味無窮!這段對話也正呼應其片名"Mr. Holland's Opus",也就是Mr. Holland最偉大的音樂創作(opus)正是成就了一群能欣賞音樂又熱愛生命的學生!
Adult Gertrude Lang: Mr. Holland had a profound influence on my life and on a lot of lives I know. But I have a feeling that he considers a great part of his own life misspent. Rumor had it he was always working on this symphony of his. And this was going to make him famous, rich, probably both. But Mr. Holland isn't rich and he isn't famous, at least not outside of our little town. So it might be easy for him to think himself a failure. But he would be wrong, because I think that he's achieved a success far beyond riches and fame. Look around you. There is not a life in this room that you have not touched, and each of us is a better person because of you. We are your symphony Mr. Holland. We are the melodies and the notes of your opus. We are the music of your life.

symphony 交響樂
melody 旋律
note 音符


Vono said...


Anonymous said...

to “you rene”
u are the best Engish teacher that i never ever been for.
i'll always here to back u up.
keep in touch.

Irene said...

Thank you lah~
But you can see I'm being lazy lately from my not having updated this blog for a long time.
Of course I'll try my best to lead a great life there, and you will, right? :)

Anonymous said...

yeah,i haven't seen u in your blog for a long time.
Of course i'll do my best.Maybe someday you will prod of me that you have a great student such as me,ha ha.
By the way,do you really know who am i ?

Irene said...


Anonymous said...

It doesn't matter who am I, but I exist is more important!

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Irene said...

No soliciting, please!

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