March 03, 2007


Make a sentence with "as if"(就好像).
(S V as if S Vpt./had Vpp.)
Ex. The cat looks unhappy as if the world were going to end.


Anonymous said...

The cat looks complacent as if the housemaster were not at home.

Anonymous said...

The cat looks Sad as if his girlfriend leave he.

Anonymous said...

The cat looks tired as if it didn't sleep well for the long time.

Anonymous said...

The cat looks very boring as if he weren't eat dinner.

Irene said...

Nice try, girls!
Allow me to make a few changes:

1. The cat looks sad as if his girlfriend left him.(What a heartbroken cat!:P)

2.The cat looks tired as if it hadn't slept well for a long time.

3.The cat looks very starving as if he hadn't eaten dinner.

Anonymous said...

The cat looks sad as if it hadn't made friends.

Anonymous said...

The cat wants to drink the wine as if that he doesn't drik wines then he'll die.