December 26, 2006

Storytelling/Dialogue Making

Write a short story or a dialogue based on this picture. Let your imagination run wild!

(Origami made and photographed by Jack Changfan)

December 25, 2006

New Year's Resolutions

You just had Christmas, which also suggests the coming new year!
Before we move to 2007, it's time to look back to the past and reflect on the things we want to change for the new year. What are the bad habits you want to kick out? What are the goals you want to achieve? Losing weight? Saving money? Taking a trip? When you make your new year's resolutions, be specific! For example, "I want to read three books a month."
Please write down your new year's resolutions (1-10) and we will see what the top five new year's resolutions of BIS students are.

To make your New Year's Resolutions feasible, check out this website and follow the steps provided:

December 22, 2006

You be the teacher (1)!

First of all, thanks for all your keen participation on this blog!:D
Congratulations! You've taken your first step in writing English. I'm happy for you! On the other hand, you might make some mistakes in your writing, which is fine. Don't panic. You'll improve gradually by working together and helping each other. Now, take a look at the following sentences with a few common grammar errors. Please detect the errors and correct them.

1. I'm so boring ,I want to rock music.
2. (It's so cold.) I don`t went to leave there.
3. i hate here. i want to left here.
4. Why do not you be happy?
5. I don't like stay this bag , I want to go outside.
6. where can i going????
7. Does there have any puppy ?
8. I wish Irene can let us don't test anymore!!
9. though u make me very hurt,i love it feeling very much
10. Do you look at me? Come on! You can near me more!

(You may check the answers in my latest comment. 01/07/2007)

P.S. Please don't feel bad if the above sentences are similar to what you wrote because I don't want you to step back, ok?:)

December 21, 2006

Are you an animal expert?

We're learning Lesson Ten "Little Penguins" in the Far East English Reader Book One. Do you know any other animals in Australia? Here is a simple task for you.
Can you guess what each animal is after reading the following description?
(You may find the names of these animals and their pictures in your book.)

(1) I'm very tall and I have long legs, so I can run very fast. I have very long feathers, but I can't fly because my body is too big.

(2) I live in my mother's pouch most of the time because I'm still very young. I can see lots of interesting things from my mother's pouch when she hops around. When I'm older, I will have long legs like my mother, and I'll be able to hop around like she does.

(3) My mouth and my feet look like a duck's mouth and feet. The hair on an animal's body is called fur, and I have lots of fur on my body. I live in a river and I can swim very well. I'm a very unusual animal because I'm not a bird, but I lay eggs, and my babies hatch out of the eggs.

(4) I live in trees and I eat leaves. When I was a baby, my mother carried me on her back. Now I'm older, and I can climb the trees myself. I climb them very slowly, though. I like sleeping very much. In fact, I usually sleep for about 18 hours every day.

(5) I have a large head and short legs. I look like a small, hairy pig. I walk slowly, but I can run very fast. I live in holes in the ground, and I like to sleep most of the day.

~ from Far East English Reader Book One Teacher's Manual

P.S. Elizabeth has got all the answers right. Please check her comment. 12/25/2006

December 18, 2006

The Spirit Is Willing, but the Dentures Are Missing

Grandpa and Grandma were sitting in their porch rockers, watching the beautiful sunset and reminiscing about “the good old days,” when Grandma turned to Grandpa and said, “Honey, do you remember when we first started dating and you used to just casually reach over and take my hand?”

Grandpa looked over at her, smiled, and took her aged hand in his.
With a wry little smile, Grandma pressed a little further, “Honey, do you remember how, after we were engaged, you’d sometimes lean over and suddenly kiss me on the cheek?”

Grandpa leaned slowly toward Grandma and gave her a lingering kiss on her wrinkled cheek.

Growing bolder still, Grandma said, “Honey, do you remember how, after we were first married, you’d nibble on my ear?”
Grandpa slowly got up from his rocker and headed into the house. Alarmed, Grandma said, “Honey, where are you going?”

Grandpa replied, “To get my teeth!”

(An article by Stan Toler from Humor for a Friend's Heart)


Or try this one!
Suppose you're the dog in the bag. Write a sentence based on this picture. BE CREATIVE!!!:D

(Whoever writes the most creative sentence can get a gift from Irene.
Deadline: 01/02/2007)

P.S. This is also one of my roomate's pets.


If you have racked your brains and still couldn't think of a sentence for the cat. Try this one!
Suppose you're either the dog on the left or the other one on the right. Write a sentence based on this picture. BE CREATIVE!!!:D

(Whoever writes the most creative sentence will get a gift from Irene.
Deadline: 01/02/2007)

P.S. These are my roomate's pets.

December 16, 2006

聖誕節知多少(3)?--Christmas Symbols Q & A(3)

And what about these Christmas symbols (10)-(12)?
For (13)-(14), please follow the instructions.

(10) Poinsettias

(11) Ball Ornaments

(12) Tinsel

(13) What does "X" mean in "Xmas"?

(14) Who/What is in the "Nativity"?

You may check what these Christmas symbols mean at:

聖誕節知多少(2)?--Christmas Symbols Q & A(2)

What about these Christmas decorations? What do they symbolize?

(5) Gifts

(6) Mistletoe

(7) Bells

(8) Holly

(9) Star

You may check what these Christmas symbols mean at:

Whoever can first find out what ANY of the Christmas symbols means will get a present from Irene. :)

BIS Charity Fair(靜修愛心園遊會)

The first charity fair you(S1 He& S1Hsiu) have at BIS (Blessed Imelda's School) was finally over. You had spent lots of time on and put much effort into it. How do you like such a charity fair? How was your "business"?

Well, I had been eating, drinking and shopping from stand to stand since 10:30 a.m.. I might act like a shopaholic or even a pig, but hey, I helped a lot for this charity fair.:) I also helped S1Hsiu sandwich the cookies together with malt sugar, which was the most popular goods of theirs. Though the sticky malt sugar was all over my hands, I had great fun!

Also, I think today's charity fair is a bit different from those fairs I had in BIS. This year some BIS alumni I taught came back for this big school event and said hello to me. While some of you were working hard for selling your food and other stuff, I was quite busy chatting with my old students who are now freshmen in colleges or other high schools. So my voice hasn't come back yet.:P

A boy student I taught before, who is now a sophomore in a senior high, also came to see me. A foreign teacher saw him and even teased me by saying "Irene, I didn't know you have a SON!" On hearing it, I almost choked myself up!
"Didn't you know he's my YOUNG boyfriend?!" I replied jokingly.
"Are you a SUGAR MOMMY of his?" another foreign teacher added.
At the moment, I didn't know whether to laugh or to cry!

(with my previous homeroom class students)

(with English teacher Russel and students)

聖誕節知多少(1)?--Christmas Symbols Q & A(1)

Now Christmas is around the corner!
Christmas songs played on the radio and throughout the stores, the sparkling trees and lights on the streets, and the bus drivers dressed as Santa have all created a vibrant and festive Christmas atmosphere. While you are preparing gifts for your friends and family to celebrate twarm-hearting holiday , have you ever wondered why people give and receive gifts during Christmas season? And do you know what other Christmas decorations mean? You may test yourself and see how much you know about Christmas by telling us either (1) the history of each item or (2) what each item symbolizes? You may ask your friends or get more information online.
Again, whoever can first find out what ANY of the Christmas symbols means will get a present from Irene. :)
(Deadline: 12/25/2006)

Example: Angels announced the birth of Jesus.

Now, it's your turn!

(1) Christmas Trees

(2) Candy Canes

(3) Wreath

(4) Candles

You may check what these Christmas symbols mean at:

Any question for Irene?

Do you have any question for me, just in case anyone might be interested? :P

December 14, 2006


Recommend a movie you like and explain why.

畫龍點睛--Can you guess the last line of this story(The Lion)?

One day a young lion walked through the jungle. He was young, strong and proud.
The lion met a snake and said,
“Snake. Who is the king of the jungle?”
“You are,” the snake replied quickly. It did not want to make the lion angry. The lion smiled and walked on. Thirty meters later he met a monkey. The lion looked at the monkey and said,
“Monkey. Who is the king of the jungle?”
“You are,” the monkey replied. It turned round quickly and climbed a tree. It felt safe there. The lion looked up at the monkey and smiled. A few minutes later he met a crocodile. He stopped and said,
“Crocodile. Who is the king of the jungle?”
“You are ,” answered the crocodile. It went quickly into the river where it felt safe. The lion smiled and walked on. Next he met a giraffe. He looked up and shouted,
“Giraffe. Who is the king of the jungle?”
The giraffe did not answer so the lion roared loudly. The giraffe was very afraid and said, “You are.”
“Answer quickly next time,” said the lion, “or I might have to eat you.” The lion walked on. He was very happy that all the other animals were afraid of him. A few hundred meters later he met an elephant.
“Elephant. Who is the king of the jungle?”
The elephant looked at the lion. Suddenly it picked the lion up with its trunk and dropped it on the ground. Next the elephant jumped on top of the lion. The lion was very surprised. Now it was dirty and hurt. It shouted at the elephant,

December 12, 2006


(1) Write a sentence to describe the picture. OR
(2) Suppose you're the cat, what would you say?

(Whoever writes the most creative sentence will get a gift from Irene by 12/21/2006.
You can still keep brainstorming on this picture.:))

December 11, 2006

解碼大賽--What do these signs say?

Since some of you are way too smart and have already got the answers right, please try responding to other topics instead of this one. Thanks! :) 2006/12/17

These are the signs that I saw on a train while traveling in Sydney in 2004. Can you still guess what the original signs say even though some of the letters were scratched off? Let's see who can first "decode" them!
(Whoever finds what ANY of the three signs says can get a small Christmas gift from Irene:O)
Deadline: 17/12/ 2006