December 16, 2006

聖誕節知多少(1)?--Christmas Symbols Q & A(1)

Now Christmas is around the corner!
Christmas songs played on the radio and throughout the stores, the sparkling trees and lights on the streets, and the bus drivers dressed as Santa have all created a vibrant and festive Christmas atmosphere. While you are preparing gifts for your friends and family to celebrate twarm-hearting holiday , have you ever wondered why people give and receive gifts during Christmas season? And do you know what other Christmas decorations mean? You may test yourself and see how much you know about Christmas by telling us either (1) the history of each item or (2) what each item symbolizes? You may ask your friends or get more information online.
Again, whoever can first find out what ANY of the Christmas symbols means will get a present from Irene. :)
(Deadline: 12/25/2006)

Example: Angels announced the birth of Jesus.

Now, it's your turn!

(1) Christmas Trees

(2) Candy Canes

(3) Wreath

(4) Candles

You may check what these Christmas symbols mean at:


Anonymous said...

Christmas Trees symbol the life and also the Redeemerand His mission.

Anonymous said...

Manger →where Jesus born.

Anonymous said...

Candy Canes were shaped like the shepherd's crook....stand for the humble shepherds who were first to worship the new-born Christ....

Christmas tree was symbol of life long before Christianity...ancient Egyptians brought green palm branches in their homes as a symbol of life's triumph over death...

Candles show children how the stars twinkled through the dark night...started by Martin Luther

Anonymous said...

its a little bit hard to understand for the wreath symbolize pease and joy???

Anonymous said...


Candles are symbol of individual's life force, or the light he or she offers to the world.
They represent spirituality, devotion, faith, longing, and the life devoted to a single, generally spiritual passion or aspiration. They symbolize the passing years of a human life as it slowly burns or melts away. Because of their phallic shape, candles were commonly used in marriage and fertility rites. In these rites they may represent the innocence of virgins.

Anonymous said...

『Candy Canes』

The Candy Cane, used during the holidays, stands as an important Christmas symbol. The color white symbolizes the purity and sinless nature of Jesus. Next, three small stripes to symbolize pain inflicted upon Jesus before his death on the cross and a bold stripe to represent the blood he shed for mankind. Two other symbols are distinctive on the Candy Cane. When looked at, it looks like a Shepard's staff because Jesus is the Shepard of man. Then if we turn it upside down, we will notice the shape of the letter J symbolizing the first letter in Jesus' name. These five symbols were incorporated into this piece of peppermint stick so that we would remember what we really celebrate the Christmas season. During the 1670's a German choirmaster had the sugar sticks bent into a shepherd's staff and
passed out to children attending the Christmas services. This holiday custom spread throughout Europe and fancy canes, decorated with roses, were used as Christmas decorations in many homes.

Anonymous said...

~Christmas Trees~
As for the source of the Christmas tree have the legend of various dissimilaritieses.

An among thoses say:About in 16 centuries, the Christmas tree appears first in Germany, German grow the green pine cypress to take the house to decorate, become it to Christmas tree.Afterwards, by German MA3 DING LU4 virtuous put the candle on the fir in the forest, then spark the candle, make it looked like to guide the people to Bethlehem.And near today, the people have already changed the small light bulb of using the powder color.

Another legend jots down.At long time ago, have ever had a farmer, meet a poor kid that day in the Christmas festival, he received this child passionately.The child breaks next pine to insert on the ground just before walking, the pine becomes a tree immediately, the tops all hang the full gift, to express appreciation the good intentions of the farmer.

The real appearance of the Christmas tree at Christmas festival, is seen in Germany first, the posture that stream into Europe and the United States again after, and is beautiful with it, become the adornment of the Christmas festival indispensability.The category of the Christmas tree is numerous, having the natural pine cypress Christmas tree,also someone builds the Christmas tree and white Christmas tree.Hang the full beautiful decorations on each Christmas tree, but the top of each tree has an outsize stars necessarily, symbolizing the three Doctorses to follow behind that star and finding out the Jesus, and also only the householder of that family can pin up the star of this hope.

Irene said...

You may check what these Christmas symbols mean at: