Before we move to 2007, it's time to look back to the past and reflect on the things we want to change for the new year. What are the bad habits you want to kick out? What are the goals you want to achieve? Losing weight? Saving money? Taking a trip? When you make your new year's resolutions, be specific! For example, "I want to read three books a month."
Please write down your new year's resolutions (1-10) and we will see what the top five new year's resolutions of BIS students are.
To make your New Year's Resolutions feasible, check out this website and follow the steps provided: http://www.ehow.com/how_12077_make-new-years.html
I think this web. is great....but ....to realize it takes me more time.haha....
Well, Lisa, you just have to look at the five steps in "Instructions." So what are your New Year's Resolutions? What do you want to achieve to make yourself a better person?
I wish i can get great grade...all pass.
Tina, is getting good grades the only New Year's resolution you have? Come on, you must have more in your mind. Share them with us.:)
I wish I can make a lot of new friends.
I wish I can pass all the subjects and get good grades.
Let me point out the differences between "wish" and "hope" first. When you "wish" something, it is unlikely to happen. For example, I "wish" I had wings. On the other hand, when you "hope" something, it is possible to happen. Say,I "hope" we will win in the game. So, for your new year's resolutions, which one would you use?
i wish i can get good grades on test, and all subject can pass!!
i wish my love's babe(including u) can all be healthy and be happy,
and i wish irene can get marry soon
Cindy, you "wish" a few things. Are you saying these things are unlikely to happen? Are you saying you don't think I'll get married some day? Haha... (Check my previous comment.)
BTW, when you make your new year's resolutions, please be more specific. These resolutions are about you, not others. For example, "I want to read three books a month." Try to work on your list again.:)
To know more information about these two words "wish" and "hope", you may visit this website at http://www.eslgold.com/grammar/hope_wish.html
I changed to ...
I hope I can make a lot of new friends.
I hope I can pass all the subjects and get good grades.
I wish i can get good grades on test and all pass!!
I wish i will be concentrative on my lesson.
s3 sheng 34 Nicole
1.I hope I can all pass.
2.I hope I can make great grade at strides mock exams.
3.I wish I had a big sea around my house.
4.I hope I had a good work in the future.
1.I hope I can get good grades on my test and all pass!
.....especially "geography",this is the worst subject I did.
2.And I would like to play the piano in popular songs.Nowadays,many people learn to play the piano.As a result most of the people who learn the piano can perform the same music.So I want sonething different.I aspire to learn the popular and prevailing songs.That way I can play an instrument in a performance at school next time:)(This is the one of my plans for winter vacation.)Hahaha~~
I hope mathematics may progress
Well ...I think the first one would be ...
read The Little Prince! Beacuse I've bought it for a long long time ago. But I still haven't time to read it.
Maybe this would took all year.
so I think this only thing I can promise!!!
My six impossible wishes:
1.I want to wast only 10 min. to travel around the world(cuz then i dont have to wast a lot of time just go to one place)
2.I wish i can be rich to help the poor(But first i have to win the lottery..)
3.I wish I can have magic(then become the firt beautiful witch←just a dream)
4.I wish I can have a 多啦A夢..with his任意門~I can travel to every year just "one step"
5.I wish i can have a lot of lolly-pop and pudding..and wont get fat after eating it~
6.I wish i can go to the past and be the法老王’sdaughter...
Teresa, those "impossible" wishes can't be your new year's resolutions. Please try again. Examine yourself well and see what you might want to improve to make a better YOU this year.
So far, the top one new year's resolutions of yours is to pass all the subjects and get good grades. I can see how stressed you are about your schoolwork. Poor girls...
I hope the persons whom I love are the ability health happinesses all.:P
I wish I can all pass in the final test and go to the good university .
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