December 26, 2006

Storytelling/Dialogue Making

Write a short story or a dialogue based on this picture. Let your imagination run wild!

(Origami made and photographed by Jack Changfan)


Anonymous said...

Do yoy look at me?
You can approach a little again,but don`t abuse me OK?

Irene said...

Tina, this is a story-telling activity, which means you're going to tell us a "story". Try again.:)

Anonymous said...

Long time ago has one bird,the bird is very handsome,many bird woman are crazy for him.
One day the bird little girl want go her grantmom home,but she bumps into the unprincipled person want eat her.
The bird hero rescuse her,from this time on crosses the happy joyful day

Irene said...

Tina, I tried paraphrasing your story;I hope it's not far from your original one. Thanks for sharing your story with us.^_^

"Long time ago there was a beautiful male bird, which many female ones were crazy about. One day a young female bird bumped into an evil bird on her way to her grandma's. Just when the bad bird was about to eat her, the popular and beautiful male bird suddenly showed up and rescued her, and they lived happily ever after."

P.S. I don't mind if you want to write a long story.:)

Anonymous said...

Once upon a time, there was a horseback rider who wanted to kill the big bird(the big bird likes to eat people)to rid the people of an evil. So the horseback rider went to big bird's forest and try to find it. And when he found it, he thought that bird was as tall as him. When he started to fight with big bird he found that big bird was afraid of him too. But the horseback rider still killed the big bird. After all he made people to love and esteem him.

Anonymous said...

White is A , Block is B

A:Such foolish behaviour will bring you into contempt.

B:I don`t think so.

A:I agree with other people.

B:What you say?

A:I've had my say.

B:You are not my bosom friend!


B:Yes,I hate you....get out!!

Anonymous said...

The photographer Jack Changfan wants a girlfriend. So he made the Knight and a crane and hoped someday someone else could figure out what was the real meaning inside.HAHA~~~~~!!!!!

Irene said...

Haha. So, Zenobia, do you happen to be the one who knows what the "true meaning" of the story is about?

Anonymous said...

Give you an opportunity again.Do you must lead me to fly?
If you say "NO",I'll roast you and
Strings together you!

Irene said...

Let me paraphrase it.
Knight:One more opportunity for you--take me with you to fly in the sky, or I'll tie you up and roast you!

Since it's a storytelling/Dialogue Making, it would be better if you can write more.:)